Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner is a consumable in New World.
Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner is food that provides 1 Consitution and 0.15% Luck for 40 minutes. This scales with level, up to 35 Consitution and 5% Luck at level 60. The recipe will only appear when the Monstrous Turkey Leg is in the player's inventory or storage.
Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner can be crafted with 0 cooking skill at a Tier V kitchen with the following materials:
- 1× Monstrous Turkey Leg
- 5× Potato
- 3× Cooking Oil
- 1× Parsley
- 1× Sage
- 1× Rosemary
- 1× Thyme
Crafting this item costs a base of 0.45 coins and awards:
- +65 cooking XP