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Cut Gemstones are a Refined Resource in New World.


Cut Gemstones are created at a Stonecutting Table using the Stonecutting crafting skill.

Generally, each Cut Gemstone will either provide an offensive effect when placed in a weapon, or a defensive effect when placed in armor.

List of Cut Gemstones[]

Each type of gem has four different variants, varying from Tier 2 to Tier 5.


Gem Effect Description
Amber Arboreal 20/30/40/50% of damage is converted to Nature.
Damage scales from FOC or base weapon stat, whichever is higher.
Aquamarine Frozen 20/30/40/50% of damage is converted to Ice.
Damage scales from INT or base weapon stat, whichever is higher.
Amethyst Abyssal 20/30/40/50% of damage is converted to Void.
Damage scales from INT or base weapon stat, whichever is higher.
Carnelian Taunting You generate +100/200/250/300% more threat.
Diamond Rally +6/9/12/15% damage and outgoing healing while at full health.
Emerald Opportunist +8/12/16/20% damage against targets below 30% health.
Jasper Retaliate +6/9/12/15% damage after receiving 3 hits.
Malachite Cruel +6/8/10/12% damage against Crowd Controlled targets.
Moonstone Exhilarate +12/16/20/24% damage when player is below 30% health.
Onyx Brash +15/20/25/30% damage against targets with full health.
Opal Gambit +6/9/12/15% damage while your stamina is not full.
Ruby Ignited 20/30/40/50% of damage is converted to Fire.
Damage scales from INT or base weapon stat, whichever is higher.
Sapphire Empowered 20/30/40/50% of damage is converted to Arcane.
Damage scales from INT or base weapon stat, whichever is higher.
Topaz Electrified 20/30/40/50% of damage is converted to Lightning.
Damage scales from INT or base weapon stat, whichever is higher.


Gem Effect Description
Amethyst Abyssal Ward +2.5/3.5/5/6% Void Damage Absorption.
Amber Nature Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Nature Damage Absorption.
Aquamarine Ice Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Ice Damage Absorption.
Carnelian Calming You generate -4/6/8/10% less threat.
Diamond Wilderness Ward +0.75/1.1/1.5/1.9% Physical Damage Absorption and +0.25/0.38/0.5/0.63% Elemental Damage Absorption.
Emerald Thrust Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Thrust Damage Absorption.
Jasper Strike Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Strike Damage Absorption.
Malachite Spectral Ward +0.75/1.1/1.5/1.9% Elemental Damage Absorption and +0.25/0.38/0.5/0.63% Physical Damage Absorption.
Moonstone Slash Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Slash Damage Absorption.
Onyx Physical Ward +1/1.5/2/2.5% Physical Damage Absorption.
Opal Elemental Ward +1/1.5/2/2.5% Elemental Damage Absorption.
Ruby Fire Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Fire Damage Absorption.
Sapphire Arcane Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Arcane Damage Absorption.
Topaz Lightning Ward +2/2.5/3/3.8% Lightning Damage Absorption.

Exceptions - Same Trait[]

Gem Effect Description
Pearl Lucky +0.25/0.35/0.45/0.5% chance at rare items from chests and monsters.