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Aptitude, or Trade Skill Aptitude, grants additional rewards after reaching level 200 in a specific Trade Skill.

"Within this update, we’ve introduced several changes related to end-game crafting through means of the new Trade Skill Aptitude system! Upon reaching level 200 in a Trade Skill, the Leveling Circle will update to show 3 markers equidistant from each other on the circle.

  • Earning Trade Skill XPXP will begin progressing for you again, and when you reach one of these markers, you will be awarded with a container of useful items that are (mostly) trade skill relevant, such as Craft Mods, special ingredients, and even schematics and recipes!
  • Each subsequent marker awards a more spectacular container with more rewards than the one before.
  • Gaining enough XPXP to go all the way around the circle will increment the Aptitude Counter by 1. This counter will keep counting so you can keep track of how many times you’ve wrapped your progression around the top level.

We have also introduced a new type of reward with this system: Equipment Patterns.

  • Equipment Patterns are Crafting Artifacts that enable you to craft a guaranteed Gear Score 600 item that have a specific appearance.
  • Patterns require a significant amount of powerful crafting resources to create, but guarantee a GS 600 item.
  • Patterns still roll perks and players have the normal amount of control over their outcome with Craft Mods and AzothAzoth.
  • Equipment Patterns have a small chance to drop from Arcana, Weaponsmithing, Armoring, and Engineering Aptitude Reward Caches"



  • Patterns can only be used once. They disappear upon use.
  • Please see this article from our friend Xyo at for more detailed information: World Trade Skill Aptitude Explained